21 апр. 2010 г.

Crufts continued

My schips' critiques from Crufts by breed judge Mrs. Penny Laverick:

INT CH Wyndsong Halcyon Midnight Watch - Open Dog 2. More of an old fashioned type but moved well with good coat.
INT CH Shalako Dynamite - Open Bitch 1 resCC. A beautiful true Schip - very lovely but just lost out to the CC winner, but she is the whole package - very alert too.

15 апр. 2010 г.

Archibald Ein HaNamer Keren Shemesh

The puppy formerly known as Archi now has a new call name and his own human to play around with. I want to welcome Itzik Vax into our happy family and wish him all the best of luck with Marshel!

10 апр. 2010 г.

Puppies Update

I received some new photos of Archi and Tito - Sargis' and Chiki's puppies in Israel.

9 апр. 2010 г.

Welcome into the World

I would like to welcome a new schipperke into the world! A baby girl was born on April 6 to Sargis and Kiki! Many congratulations to the breeder, Pirjo-Ritta!